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Financial Aid

Learn more about financial aid resources for undocumented students!

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Types of Financial Aid Available for Undocumented Students in California

Undocumented students in California can go to college and use scholarships or savings to cover their costs.
Students who meet eligibility for AB 540/SB 68 can ALSO apply for and receive state-based financial aid through
the CA Dream Act. However, the types of aid available varies based on income, assets, grade level, application
deadline & more.

Undocumented Students

This guide can help navigate higher education as an undocumented student in California! We know this journey can feel overwhelming, but the California Student Aid Commission (CSAC) offers the best financial aid opportunities for undocumented students in the nation, and are prepared to help you every step of the way!

FAFSA vs. CA Dream Act: Apply to the Correct Financial Aid in CA:

  • Find out if you qualify for CA Dream Act or FAFSA by using the resource below. Contact the college or university you plan to attend and confirm which application you should be using. If the wrong application was submitted, be sure to complete the correct application. 

California Dream Act Application​

  • Submit your CA Dream Act financial aid application by visiting the website below. You can use this website to:

    • Submit a CA Dream Act Application

    • Update a previously submitted CA Dream Act Application

    • Retrieve Username or Password

In-State Tuition vs. CA Dream Act vs. DACA​

  • Understand the differences between in-state tuition, CA Dream Act, and DACA.

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Assembly Bill 540 (AB 540)

AB 540 (expanded by SB 68 & SB 1141) enables students to count years spent at a California Community College (CCC) and adult school towards eligibility for in-state tuition. Additionally, the completion of an associate degree or satisfaction of the minimum requirements to transfer to the University of California (UC) or California State University (CSU) will meet the degree or unit requirements. SB 1141 removed the two-year limit of credits from the California Community Colleges (CCC). These new eligibility criteria expand possibilities for students educated in CA to qualify for in-state tuition and state based financial aid at CCCs, CSUs, and UCs.


Immigrants Rising provides this list of scholarships and fellowships that don’t require proof of U.S. citizenship! The list has general application eligibility requirements, including education level, region/state, and immigration status (e.g. DACA, TPS, in-state tuition eligibility). Only opportunities with due dates within the next 120 days are shown in the list.

Need assistance in writing a scholarship essay that fully encompasses who you are? Use the Get Ready to Brainstorm: Building Your Scholarship or Fellowship Essay Outline

Student Sitting in the Library



College Corps Fellows
Join thousands of students across the state in making a difference in your community while earning money to help pay for college. Earn Up to $10,000 which includes a living allowance throughout the service term and an Education Award upon completion

California Dream Act Service Incentive Grant Program

The California Dream Act Service Incentive Grant (DSIG) Program encourages California Dream Act Applicant (CADAA) students with a Cal Grant A award that met Cal Grant B eligibility or a Cal Grant B award to perform community or volunteer service.  The California Student Aid Commission (CSAC) will award up to $4,500 per academic year (up to $2,250 per semester or up to $1,500 per quarter) to 1,667 eligible students.

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